VCOE Teacher Credentialing Programs Receive Full Accreditation

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All nine teacher credentialing programs offered by the Ventura County Office of Education have received full accreditation from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Every seven years, the CTC’s Committee on Accreditation conducts a thorough review of the programs that includes a site visit and extensive interviews with program administrators and participants. Today in Sacramento, the Commission unanimously approved the accreditation of the VCOE programs.

According to the Committee’s report, “The unanimous recommendation of Accreditation was based on a thorough review of the institutional self-study; additional supporting documents available during the visit; interviews with administrators, faculty, candidates, graduates, and local school personnel; along with additional information requested from program leadership during the visit.”

“It is very gratifying to have the Commission recognize the hard work that goes into creating these credentialing programs,” said Kim Uebelhardt, VCOE's Executive Director of Teacher Support Services. “We are proud to provide high quality training opportunities for people who answer the call to teach the children of Ventura County.”

The Ventura County Office of Education provides programs for new teachers who must complete professional development training known as induction after receiving their preliminary credential. In addition, VCOE offers credentialing programs in specialized areas that include career education, adult education, special education and administrative services. All of the programs are designed to promote the VCOE vision and mission of service and leadership as well as respond to the changing needs of California’s educational system.

The Committee’s complete accreditation report is available here and additional information about VCOE’s credentialing programs available here.